Sales Quoting
The Sales Quote functions and access controls are located under the Sales Quoting section. NOTE: The steps below assume you have System Admin rights. To access System Admin, select your name in the upper right of crmSeries and select System Admin. If you do not see System Admin, you do not have system administrator rights.
User Access
The User Access section defines who and what type of access a user has for sales quoting. Below are the steps for defining sales quote access for a user.
- Select Sales Quoting, Settings, User Access.
- Select Add, to add a new user.
- Complete the User Access Options.
- User – Select the User that the access permissions are for.
- Exempt Approval – Check if the user should automatically be approved from sales quote approval.
- View Record Selection – Define the sales quotes that the user will have the access to view.
- All Quotes – The User can view all sales quotes.
- Self – The user can only view the sales quote they are assigned to.
- Custom – The ability to custom define which sales quotes a user can view.
- Edit Record Selection – Define the sales quotes that the user will have the access to edit.
- All Quotes – The User can edit all sales quotes.
- Self – The user can only edit the sales quote they are assigned to.
- Custom – The ability to custom define which sales quotes a user can edit.
- Select the Save button.
User Approval
The User Approval section defines who is authorized to approve sales quotes. Below are the steps for defining sales quote approval for a user.
- Select Sales Quoting, Settings, User Approval.
- Select Add, to add a new user.
- Complete the User Approval Options.
- User – Select the User that will be assigned approval capabilities.
- Approval Type – Select Quote Approval.
- Approval Level – Enter the approval level for the user being assigned approval capabilities. As a default, the Approval Level is set to 1. If the user being setup for the approval will need to approve after a level 1 person approval, then set the Approval Level to 2. There can be multiple Approval Levels if needed.
- Send Email – Check if the Approval user should receive an email notification about a pending approval needed.
- Require Comments – Check if comments are required when approving (or denying) a sales quote approval.
- Global Override –
- Record Selection – Ability to filter the sales quotes that should be approves.
- All Quotes – The user can approve all quotes.
- Assigned Branch – The user can approve only quotes for sales reps assigned to the approver’s branch.
- Custom – Ability to build custom filters to determine the sales quotes that the approval can approve.
- Select the Save button.
Thresholds allow a crmSeries system administrator set a threshold to determine when a sales quote should be approved. Follow the steps below to setup a sales quote threshold.
- Select Sales Quoting, Settings, Thresholds.
- Select Add, to add a new threshold.
- Complete the User Approval Options.
- Threshold Type – Select an option that best defines the type of threshold you need to define.
- Profit Margin – Sets the threshold based on a deals profit margin.
- List Down Discount – Sets the threshold based on the deals list discount amount.
- Sell Price Discount – Sets the threshold based on the deals sell price discount amount.
- Target % – Sets the threshold based on a target %.
- Threshold – The percent of the threshold.
- Target – The target percent of the threshold.
- User Filter – Used to filter what users should apply to the threshold.
- Machine Filter – Determines what machines the filter applies to.
- Require Submit – Check if all sales quotes based on the user and machine filter will require approval.
- Threshold Type – Select an option that best defines the type of threshold you need to define.
- Select Save button to save changes.
Edit Threshold
To edit an existing threshold, follow the steps below.
- From the Threshold view, select the pencil icon to open the threshold panel.
- Make the necessary adjustments.
- Select Save button to save changes.